学院办公室 / 0379—65626265 / wlyb@haust.edu.cn


序号 论文题目 作者 期刊 发表时间 分区
1 Suppressing   Electron-Phonon Coupling through Laser-Induced Phase Transition 王赵武 ACS   APPLIED MATERIALS & INTERFACES 2017,   9, 23309−23313 SCI一区
2 Non-catalytic   hydrogenation of VO2 in acid solution 王赵武 Nature   commnunications 2018,   9, 818 SCI一区
3 Electric-field   control of Li-doping induced phase transition in VO2 film with crystal   facet-dependence 王赵武 Nano   Energy 2018,   51, 300-307 SCI一区
4 Dynamic   Electronic Doping for Correlated Oxides by a Triboelectric Nanogenerator 王赵武 Advanced   Materials 2018,   1803580 SCI一区
5 Large   piezoelectric response in a family of metal-free perovskite ferroelectric   compounds from first-principles calculations 王翚 NPJ   COMPUTATIONAL MATERIALS 2019,   5, 1-9 SCI一区
6  Effect of the N/P/S and transition-metal   co-doping on the quantum capacitance of supercapacitor electrodes based on   mono- and multilayer graphene 周清晓 Carbon 20201201 SCI一区
7 Tuning   Phase Transitions in Metal Oxides by Hydrogen Doping: A First-Principles   Study 王赵武 JOURNAL   OF PHYSICAL CHEMISTRY LETTERS 20200206 SCI一区
8 Rapid   preparation of ultra-fine and well-dispersed SnO2 nanoparticles via a double   hydrolysis reaction for lithium storage 雷建飞 Nanoscale 2020 SCI一区
9 Anisotropic   thermal expansion of SnSe from first-principles calculations based on   Gruneisen's theory 刘钢 Physical   Chemistry Chemical Physics 2017,   19, 15187--15193 SCI二区
10 In   situ measurement of topological charge of perfect vortex using spatial shift   method 李新忠 optics   letters 2017,   42,136,1 SCI二区
11 Effect   of H-vacancy defect on the adsorption of CO and NO on graphane: A DFT study 周清晓 Applied   Surface Science 2017,   420, 720–725 SCI二区
12 Role   of oxygen vacancy on the electrical properties of SnO2-Zn2SnO4 ceramic   composites with the introduction of Nb2O5 oxide 臧国忠 Materials   Letters 2017,194,   238–241 SCI二区
13 The   effect of Sm2O3 on the microstructure and electrical properties of SiO2-doped   SnO2-Zn2SnO4 ceramic varistors 臧国忠 Ceramics   International 2017,   43 8018–8022 SCI二区
14 First-principles   calculations of the structural, mechanical, electronic and bonding properties   of (CrB2)n CrAl with n = 1, 2, 3 李小红 Journal   of Alloys and Compounds 2017,698,291-303 SCI二区
15 First-principle   study on the structural, elastic and electronic properties of CrB4 hard   material under different pressures 李小红 Journal   of Alloys and Compounds 2017,694,733-738 SCI二区
16 First-Principles   Study of Vacancies in Ti3SiC2 and Ti3AlC2 王翚 MATERIALS 2017.10,103 SCI二区
17 Au   clusters adsorption on the perfect and the defective MoS2 monolayers:   structural and electronic properties 琚伟伟 Phys.   Chem. Chem. Phys. 2017,   19, 20735 SCI二区
18 Perfect   spin filter in a tailored zigzag graphene nanoribbon 康大伟 Nanoscale   research letters 2017,   12:357 SCI二区
19 Vacancy-mediated   ferromagnetism in Co-implanted ZnO studied using a slow positron beam 王丹丹 JOURNAL   OF MATERIALS SCIENCE 2017,   12:357 SCI二区
20 Synthesis   of TiO2@g-C3N4 core-shell nanorod arrays with Z-scheme enhanced   photocatalytic activity under visible light 张少锋 Journal   of Colloid and Interface Science 2017,   52, 7067–7076 SCI二区
21 Therapeutic   effect of the compound Danshen dripping pill combined with laser acupoint   irradiation on early diabetic retinopathy 刘汇慧 LASER   PHYSICS LETTERS 2017,   14, 065602 SCI二区
22 Vibrational   and dielectric properties and ideal strength of Si2N2O ceramic from first principles 吕珍龙 Ceramics   International 2017,   43, 10006–10012 SCI二区
23 Study   of the electronic, bonding, elastic and acoustic properties of covellite via   first principles 吕珍龙 Journal   of Alloys and Compounds 2017,692,440-447 SCI二区
24 Unexpected   Odd−Even Oscillation in the Enhanced Chemical Activities of the Run (n =   2−14) Nanoclusters for H2O Splitting 李海生 Journal   of Physical Chemistry C 2017,121,7188-7198 SCI二区
25 Dielectric   relaxation properties of SrTiO3 ceramics modulated by stoichiometry 王晓飞 Ceramics   International 2018,   44, 4740-4743 SCI二区
26 Changes   of phase structure of a paraxial beam due to spin-orbit coupling 李贺贺 Physical   Review A 2018,   97,053843 SCI二区
27 Dominant   near infrared light-emitting diodes based on p-NiO/n-InN heterostructure on   SiC substrate 王辉 Journal   of Alloys and Compounds 2018,   735,1402-1405 SCI二区
28 Revisiting   the phase transitions in BaxSr1-xTiO3 at low doping range(x0.1) 王景雪 Journal   of Alloys and Compounds 2018,   749, 276-282 SCI二区
29 Controllable   mode transformation in perfect optical vortices 李新忠 Optics   Express 2018,   26,2,651 SCI二区
30 Close-packed   optical vortex lattices with controllable structures 李新忠 Optics   Express 2018,   26, 18, 22965 SCI二区
31 Statistically   induced topological phase transitions in a one-dimensional superlattice   anyon-Hubbard model 左正伟 Phys.   Rev. B 2018,   97,115126 SCI二区
32 B40   and M@B40 (M_Li and Ba) fullerenes as potential molecular sensors for acetone   detection: A first-principles study 雍永亮 Journal   of Molecular Liquids 2018,   264,1-8 SCI二区
33 Two-dimensional   carbon dioxide with high stability, a negative Poisson's ratio and a huge   band gap 刘世杰 PHYS.CHEM.   CHEM.PHYS. 2018,   20,20615 SCI二区
34 Is   it possible to enlarge the trapping range of optical tweezers via a single   beam? 李新忠 Appl.   Phys. Lett. 2,019,114,081,903 SCI二区
35 Optical   vortex shaping via a phase jump factor 李新忠 Opt.   Lett. 2019,44,1379-1382 SCI二区
36 Grafted   optical vortex with controllable orbital angular momentum distribution 李新忠 Opt.   Express 2019,27,22930-22938 SCI二区
37 Strain-induced   band modulation of surface F-functionalized two dimensional Sc2C 李小红 Applied   Surface Science 2019,491,   276-285 SCI二区
38 Elastic,   electronic properties and QTAIM of new H-enriched hydrogen storage material   Mg(BH4)2,(NH3)2 (NH3BH3) 李小红 International   Journal of Hydrogen Energy 2019,44,7414-7421 SCI二区
39 Electronic   and magnetic properties of 3d transition-metal atom adsorbedvacancy-defected   arsenene: A first-principles study 周清晓 Journal   of Magnetismand Magnetic Materials  2,019,491,165,613 SCI二区
40 C2N   monolayer as NH3 and NO sensors: A DFT study 雍永亮 Applied   Surface Science 2,019,487,488 SCI二区
41 Hydrogenated   Si12Au20 cluster as a molecular sensor with highperformance for NH3 and NO   detection: A first-principle study 雍永亮 Journal   of Molecular Liquids 2019,   289111153 SCI二区
42 Ultrathin   nanowire based on icosahedral W@Au12 and application as NO gas sensor 雍永亮 Journal   of Physics and Chemistry of Solids 201912768 SCI二区
43 Chaos-based   image encryption algorithm with orbit perturbation and dynamic state variable   selection mechanisms 李慧娟 Optics   and Lasers in Engineering 2019,115,197-207 SCI二区
44 First-principles   study of thermal expansion and thermomechanics of group-V monolayers: blue   phosphorene, arsenene, and antimonene 刘钢 Journal   of Physics: Condensed Matter 2019,31,   065302 SCI二区
45 Anisotropic   thermal expansion and thermodynamic properties of monolayer β-Te 刘钢 PHYSICAL   REVIEW B 2019,99,   195436 SCI二区
46 Influence   of vacancy defects and 3d transition metal adatoms on the electronic and   magnetic properties of graphene 周清晓 RSC   Advances  2016.10.1 SCI二区
47 Exotic   d(0) magnetism in partial hydrogenated silicene 琚伟伟 APPLIED   PHYSICS LETTERS 2016.5 SCI二区
48 Engineering   magnetism and electronic properties of silicene by changing adsorption   coverage 琚伟伟 APPLIED   SURFACE SCIENCE 2016.10.30 SCI二区
49 First-principles   investigation of the lattice vibrational properties of inorganic double   helical XY (X = Li, Na, K, Rb, Cs; Y = P, As, Sb) 琚伟伟 RSC   ADVANCES 2016.7 SCI二区
50 In   silico construction of HK2-VDAC1 complex and investigating the HK2   binding-induced molecular gating mechanism of VDAC1 张大为 Mitochondrion 2016.09 SCI二区
51 Pr-Fe   co-doping induced room temperature multiferroic properties in SrTiO3 films 王晓飞 Materials   Letters 2016.12.15 SCI二区
52 Dielectric   relaxation, electric modulus and ac conductivity of Mn-doped YFeO 3 张超 Ceramics   International 2016.12.1 SCI二区
53 Anomalous   polarization switching related to grain size in Pb(Zr,Ti)O3   polycrystalline
郭惠芬 Journal   of Physics D: Applied Physics 2016.3.15 SCI二区
54 The   cluster-assembled nanowires based on M12N12 (M = Al and Ga) clusters as   potential gas sensors for CO, NO, and NO2 detection.  雍永亮 Physical   Chemistry Chemical Physics 2016.08 SCI二区
55 C54Si6   heterofullerene as a potential gas sensor for CO, NO, and HCN detection 雍永亮 RSC   ADVANCES 2016.05 SCI二区
56 Adsorption   of gas molecules on Gd@Aun (n=14, 15) clusters and their implication for   molecule sensors 雍永亮 RSC   ADVANCES 2016.06 SCI二区
57 Varistor   and dielectric properties of SiO2 doped SnO2-Zn2SnO4 ceramic composites 臧国忠 Ceramics   International 2016.12 SCI二区
58 Irradiation   effect of polarization direction and intensity of semiconductor laser on   injured peripheral nerve 熊国欣 LASER   PHYSICS LETTERS  2016.8 SCI二区
59 Bandgap   engineering of MoS2/MX2 (MX2=WS2, MoSe2, WSe2) heterobilayers subjected   to
    biaxial strain and normal compressive strain
苏向英 RSC   Advances  2016.2 SCI二区
60 Dielectric   behavior in YMn1.07O3 ceramics 张超 Materials   Letters 2016.1 SCI二区
61 H3O+   tetrahedron induction in large negative linear compressibility 王翚 SCIENTIFIC   REPORTS 2016.5.1 SCI二区
62 Effect   of interaction between H and He on micro-defects in Fe9Cr alloy investigated   by slow positron beam 王丹丹 Journal   of Nuclear Materials 201912 SCI二区
63 A   novel SiO monolayer with a negative Poisson's  杜慧 PHYSICAL   CHEMISTRY CHEMICAL PHYSICS 20200921 SCI二区
64 Experimental   observation of ferroelectricity in ferrimagnetic MnCr2S4 王景雪 Applied   Physics Letters 20200701 SCI二区
65 Adsorption   of NH3 onto vacancy-defected Ti2CO2 monolayer by firstprinciples calculations 李小红 Applied   Surface Science 20200228 SCI二区
66 First-principles   study of biaxial strain effect on NH3 adsorbed Ti2CO2 monolayer 李小红 Vacuum 20200901 SCI二区
67 Controlled   negative energy flow in the focus of a radial polarized optical beam 李贺贺 Optics   Express 20200622 SCI二区
68 Si2BN   monolayers as promising candidates for hydrogen storage 雍永亮 PHYSICAL   CHEMISTRY CHEMICAL PHYSICS 20200628 SCI二区
69 Anomalous   ring-connected optical vortex array 李新忠 Optics   Express 20200427 SCI二区
70 Optical   vortex with multi-fractional orders 李新忠 Applied   Physics Letters 20200519 SCI二区
71 Orientation-selective   elliptic optical vortex array 李新忠 Applied   Physics Letters 20200102 SCI二区
72 Defect-induced   ferromagnetism in W18O49 nanowires 郑旭东 Journal   of Alloys and Compounds 20200325 SCI二区
73 Substrate   temperature induced physical property variation of InxAl1-xN alloys prepared   on Al2O3 by magnetron sputtering 王辉 Vacuum 20200901 SCI二区
74 Stacking   order driving bandgap and conductance of graphene/C3B (C3N) van der Waals   heterostructures 康大伟 APPLIED   PHYSICS LETTERS 20200417 SCI二区
75 Topological   end states in a one-dimensional spatially modulated interaction spinless   fermion model 左正伟 New   Journal of Physics 20200820 SCI二区
76 Influence   of defects and dopants on the sensitivity of arsenene towards HCN 周清晓 Applied   Surface Science 20200315 SCI二区
77 Effect   of coexistence of defect and dopant on the quantum capacitance of   graphene-based supercapacitors electrodes 周清晓 Applied   Surface Science 20200430 SCI二区
78 Comparative   investigation of the thermal transport properties of Janus SnSSe and SnS2   monolayers 刘钢 PHYSICAL   CHEMISTRY CHEMICAL PHYSICS 20200807 SCI二区
79 Remarkable   Rashba spin splitting induced by an asymmetrical internal electric field in   polar III–VI halcogenides 琚伟伟 Phys.   Chem. Chem. Phys. 20200428 SCI二区
80 An   intensity-modulated and large bandwidth magnetic field sensor based on a   tapered fiber Bragg grating 闫海涛 OPTICS   AND LASER TECHNOLOGY 20200401 SCI二区
81 Predicting   quantum spin hall effect in graphene/GaSb and normal strain controlled band   structures 王鑫鑫 Applied   Surface Science 20201001 SCI二区
82 Magnetism   arising from Mexican-hat-like band dispersion in the   WSe2/SnS(2)heterostructureviainterlayer strain 张帅 PHYSICAL CHEMISTRY   CHEMICAL PHYSICS 20201014 SCI二区